Welcome to Say Wha?!

My blog is devoted to ME. Yes Moi! Things I approve/disapprove of in my shopping, traveling, dining, shooting pics, or just walking down the streets of my hood (NYC beybey!). Enjoy!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Another reason to hate monkeys...

Besides the fact that they can be jerks and may take over the world some day (they'll have to defeat the robots first), monkeys bathe in URINE! A new study believes that male monkeys bathe in urine to attact female monkeys.  The females are able to detect the levels of testosterone in the pee pee, assess the male's monkey's social status, and decide whether or not they want to give him some.  Gross!

Moral of this story folks is when you go to the zoo in Florida or maybe overseas, and they encourage you to pet a monkey, just remember that the bastard probably just took a golden shower. You may not be so quick to pet him and let it climb all over you.

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